Goethe wrote:

>     The CotC CAN declare a potential CFJ statement as Malformed by
>     an announcement specifying eir reasons for doing so.  E SHOULD
>     only do so if the construction or means of calling the potential
>     CFJ created substantial uncertainty as to its status as a CFJ.
>     A Malformed potential CFJ remains Malformed for one week, during 
>     which the CotC is under no obligation to perform actions with 
>     respect to it.  After one week, a Malformed CFJ ceases to be a 
>     be a CFJ or potential CFJ of any kind.
>     A person may make a Malformed CFJ cease to be Malformed with
>     two support, in which case the CotC CANNOT make it Malformed
>     again as described above.
>     [prevents abuse and protects from R101 rights].

"The CotC CAN refuse a CFJ without 3 objections, stating eir reasons for
doing so."

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