Adoption index 1, interest index 1:

{Create the following power-1 rule titled "Agoran History":

"The Book of History is a document which can be amended without 3 objections.

The Historian is a low-priority office whose report includes the
current text of the Book of History. The Historian SHOULD propose
amendments to the Book of History on a regular basis."

Set the Book of History to the empty document.}

Adoption index 1, interest index 1:

{Amend the rule titled "Agoran History" by adding the following at the
end of the first paragraph:

"The Book of History SHOULD take the form of an epic poem. In
particular, it should start in medias res, with an invocation of a
muse and a statement of theme; treat Agora as being the majority of
the universe, with references to the outside world only when
necessary; make use of epithets when referring to all important
characters; include sections of detail that are not in narrative form,
such as catalogues and long lists; feature long and formal speeches;
contain divine intervention, from gods either real or fictional; and
contain heroes that are larger than life. However, this should not
greatly impair its usefulness as a historical reference."}

--Warrigal, who thinks there should be an office called Hillary Rodham Clinton

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