On Thursday 06 November 2008 10:23:26 am Ed Murphy wrote: > 1) You state quite clearly on your site that you are a game which > acts like a nation. The Empire, not being a game, does not see how > we could recognise you as an equivalent state or nation.
Proto-rebuttal: The distinction between a game and a nation may not be as simple or clear as it initially appears. In particular, I refer you to Agoran judicial case number 1879 and its appeal 1879a, concerning whether the nation of Canada is a nomic. It was quickly generally agreed that it would be a nomic if and only if it was a game, and as a result the arguments centered almost exclusively on whether the nation of Canada was, in fact, a game. http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=1879 http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=1879a The eventual ruling implied that the standard for gamehood was that games uphold secession or exile as a fundamental right; a player of chess can walk away from the board, but a prisoner in a Canadian jail cannot (fruitfully) demand to leave the country. The second clause of Section 2 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the Aerican Empire implies that a citizen can relinquish eir citizenship by refusing to acknowledge the Senate. (For Agorans:) http://www.aericanempire.com/con_0001.html#article3 I therefore submit that being a game and being a nation may not necessarily be contradictory. Furthermore, the Aerican Empire's Diplomatic Policy does not directly require that a nation must be "equivalent" to the Aerican Empire. (For Agorans:) http://www.aericanempire.com/policy.html It is entirely plausible, for example, that the Aerican Empire might diplomatically recognize a constitutional theocracy; the Aerican Empire itself is not a theocracy, but that does not in itself infringe on the nationhood of another nation that is, in addition to being a nation, also a theocracy. By analogous reasoning, the Aerican Empire could quite reasonably acknowledge Agora Nomic as a fellow nation, which in addition to being a nation is also a game, even though the Aerican Empire itself is not (necessarily) a game. Finally, it may be worth observing that the Aerican Empire has awarded Full Diplomatic Recognition to the Kingdom of Playland. (For Agorans:) http://www.aericanempire.com/oth.html Sincerely, H. Pavitra, Player of Agora