Pavitra wrote:

> On Tuesday 04 November 2008 04:02:50 pm Alex Smith wrote:
>> Does this mean that all the Ranches in existence are owned by the
>> L&FD, and that none have ever been destroyed due to water rights
>> enforcement?

I believe you are correct, but only vacuously!  If the
process for creating Ranches is broken, then they aren't
just created outside the ownership of the dudes that were
intended to own them-- they aren't created /at all/, and
so "all the Ranches in existence" (an empty set) are owned
by the L&FD, and "none have ever been destroyed" because
none have ever been created in the first place!

              But aren't you are forgetting the effects of automatic
              self-ratification, which both creates and destroys
              Ranches in accordance with (ironically) announcements
              by the SoA?  This does not depend on the (quite possibly
              broken) AAA contract, but only on the (probably more
              robust, because this sort of thing used to happen all
              the time) rules.

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