On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 3:06 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <Warrigal> When did this start meaning that SHOULD produces an obligation?
> It's a lowercase should, which I can't really read as anything but an
> obligation in this context; it's an obligation to understand the full
> implications of what you're doing, or else not do it. How else would
> you interpret MMI?

If I say to a friend, "You should buy XYZ", it doesn't mean that he's
obligated or even requested to buy XYZ; it's just a recommendation. A
SHOULD in the rules should therefore also be a recommendation, and
like breaking a SHALL is a reason for criminal punishment that must be
applied, breaking a SHOULD can be a reason for informal "punishment"
that people can apply at their discretion, such as failing to be

--Warrigal of Escher

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