On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 12:06 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Alex Smith wrote:
> > The appeals board have requested me to determine what the referent of
> > "One True Agora" is. A Google search determines that the phrase does not
> > occur anywhere anywhere, except in Rule 2200, and in discussion
> > surrounding CFJ 2196. Therefore, it appears to be an undefined term with
> > respect to the rules.
> I intend to call for appeal of this judgement with 2 support, recommending
> reassign or simply overrule to FALSE. A "Google search" ignores the common-
> sense custom (yes "agoran" custom) of the name of this game, and ignores the
> possibility that, while "one true" might be poetic exaggeration on a known
> referent Agora, there is a single strong referent for Agora (this game) and
> no explicit contenders for ambiguity, so one should choose the referent.
> I also suggest that Google is not the dictionary so not canonical in the
> R754-sense, and is certainly no better and perhaps worse than Wikipedia,
> which (currently) includes www.agoranomic.org and therefore these mailing
> lists under the heading "Agora."
It was "One True Agora", the phrase, I searched for. I was trying to see
if there were any references to it anywhere. I don't believe there is an
Agoran custom that that name means something; if there had been, more
references unrelated to this CFJ would have turned up, as the Google
search also searched the Agoran archives.