On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>          * FRIVOLOUS, appropriate if the initiator of the CFJ didn't
>            reasonably believe that the defendant was GUILTY at the
>            time e initiated the CFJ. Initiating a criminal CFJ that
>            comes to have a judgement of FRIVOLOUS is a violation of
>            this rule.

I don't believe this is a good response. We already have

"A frivolous criminal case is one where the initiator did not
reasonably believe that the defendant would be found GUILTY when e
initiated it. Players SHALL NOT file frivolous criminal cases."

Also bar non-players from filing criminal cases.

"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
    -- Unknown

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