These are the calculations I went through (with ehird and Wooble helping)
to figure out the effect my recent asset-shifting had on the PBA.

The effect on the RBoA is more complicated and open to interpretation, and
I haven't worked out what happened there.

Of course, the exchange rates at the bottom are now slightly outdated,
as transactions have happened since.

> I withdraw two 0 crops from the PBA. I deposit two 0 crops in the RBoA.
> I deposit all my 37 Coins in the RBoA for 370 Chits.
Coins loss: 1+2=3. Exchange rate for 0 crops now 3. Then the deposit
leaves me with no Coins.
> I deposit 14 VP in the PBA, for 231 Coins. I deposit those 231 Coins in
> the RBoA for 2130 Chits. I then withdraw 14 VP from the RBoA, for (I
> think) 1309 Coins.
Coin gain: 13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1+0 = 91. I may or many not end up
depositing as many as possible of these in the RBoA. There are now 14 VP
in the RBoA at exchange rate 0.
> I withdraw four 1 crops from the RBoA.
> I deposit four 1 crops in the PBA.
Coin gain: 19+18+17+16 = 70. There are now 4 1 crops in the PBA at
exchange rate 16.
> This gives me 70 Coins, which I deposit in the RBoA for 700 Chits.
I now only have 91 or 0 Coins.
> I withdraw four crops from the RBoA.
Nothing happens.
> I deposit four 1 crops in the PBA.
I don't have these.
> This gives me 54 Coins, which I deposit in the RBoA for 540 Chits.
This might work, depending on if I deposited 91 Coins in the RBoA earlier.
So I now have 37 or 0 Coins.
> I withdraw five 1 crops from the RBoA.
This definitely works, I got the spare Chits I needed either just now, or
> I deposit five 1 crops in the PBA.
Coin gain: 15+14+13+12+11 = 65. There are now 9 1 crops in the PBA at
exchange rate 11.
> This gives me 45 Coins, which I deposit in the RBoA for 450 Chits.
It is unclear here whether this deposits 45 Coins, or 65. 45 seems the
most plausible given that coins are fungible.

As a result, I have 45, 65, 82, or 102 Coins at this point.

Now, most important is to calculate my Chit holdings at this point, to see
how many 7 Crops I can afford. I definitely got at least 700 from the first
four 1 Crops, and 370 from my initial deposition of Coins. Also, either I
deposited 54 Coins when I tried, or 91 earlier, giving me another at least
540. This means that I have at least 1610 Chits, not counting withdrawals 
from the RBoA. Since then, I withdrew 9 1 Crops, costing me 594 Chits. This
means I have at least 1610-594=1016 Chits. Depending on interpretation
earlier, though, I probably have more. Still, this means that I can
definitely afford thirteen 7 crops at this point.

> I withdraw four 7 crops from the RBoA. I deposit them in the PBA. I
> deposit the resulting 86 Chits for 860 Coins.
> I withdraw four 7 crops from the RBoA. I deposit them in the PBA. I
> deposit the resulting 70 Chits for 700 Coins.
> I withdraw five 7 crops from the RBoA. I deposit them in the PBA. I
> deposit the resulting 65 Chits for 650 Coins.
The 7 crop withdraw/deposit works. The deposit of "chits for coins"
fails, as no bank allows Chits to be deposited.
Coin gain: 23+22+21+20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11 = 221.
The PBA now has thirteen 7 Crops, and an exchange rate for 7 crops of 11.
> I withdraw a 3 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 12 Coins in the RBoA for 120 Chits.
> I withdraw a 3 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 11 Coins in the RBoA for 110 Chits.
> I withdraw a 3 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 10 Coins in the RBoA for 100 Chits.
> I withdraw a 3 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 9 Coins in the RBoA for 90 Chits.
> I withdraw a 3 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 8 Coins in the RBoA for 80 Chits.
These all obviously work; the change left over from the thirteen 7 Crops
is easily enough to afford a 3 Crop, and from then on each transaction
gains me enough assets to pay for the next one.
Coin gain: net 0.
The PBA now has 6 3 crops (it had one before), and 3 crops now have an
exchange rate of 8.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 12 coins in the RBoA for 120 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 11 coins in the RBoA for 110 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 10 coins in the RBoA for 100 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 9 coins in the RBoA for 90 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 8 coins in the RBoA for 80 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 7 coins in the RBoA for 70 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 6 coins in the RBoA for 60 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 5 coins in the RBoA for 50 Chits.
> I withdraw a 4 crop from the RBoA. I deposit it in the PBA. I deposit
> the resulting 4 coins in the RBoA for 40 Chits.
Just as with the 3 crops, these obviously work as each pays for the next
one, and the proceeds from the 3 crops are enough for the initial 4 crops.
Coin gain: net 0.
The PBA now has a rate for 4 crops of 4, and has 9 more of them, for a
total of 10.
> I withdraw a Favor from the RBoA, deposit it in the RBoA for 23 Coins,
> and deposit them in the RBoA for 230 Chits.
The withdrawal works. The deposit may or may not, as it cannot gain me
Coins, but can gain me Chits. Then I may or may not have deposited 23
Coins. However, none of this affects the PBA.
> I withdraw up to six 5 crops from the RBoA, as many as it has if it has
> less than 6. I deposit them in the PBA, for 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, and 9
> Coins respectively, or as many as I withdrew if I withdrew less than 6.
> This gives me up to 69 Coins.
Wooble calculated that there weren't any 5 crops in the RBoA at this point,
so nothing happened here.
> I withdraw all the 2 Crops in the RBoA.
Works, definitely. I don't know how many there were, I suspect there
weren't any.
> I withdraw all the X crops from the RBoA (or as many as I can afford if
> I can't afford all of them), and deposit them in the PBA.
This transfers either 4 or 6 X crops.
> I withdraw as many WRV as I can afford from the RBoA. (Probably this is
> all of them.)
> I withdraw as many VP as I can afford from the RBoA. (Probably this is
> not all of them, but I'm not sure.)
> I withdraw as many 8 crops as I can afford from the RBoA. (Almost
> certainly this is not all of them, probably none.)
> I withdraw as many 4 crops as I can afford from the RBoA. (Just in
> case...)
These don't affect the PBA, so I won't attempt to calculate them.

In my next message, I wrote:
> I withdraw 8 VP from the PBA.
The 8VP cost me: 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7, a total of 28.
I have at least 221 left over from the 7 Crops earlier, so I can
easily afford this.

The resulting PBA exchange rate table has only one uncertainty in, and 
therefore looks like this:

Name                   Rate    Qty
0 crops                   3      9
1 crops                  11      9
2 crops                  24      0
3 crops                   8      6
4 crops                   4     10
5 crops                  15      7
6 crops                  22      0
7 crops                  11     13
8 crops                  13      1
9 crops                  18      0
X crops               20/18    4/6
Water Rights Vouchers    24      0
Favors                   24      0
Vote Points               8      6
C credits                15      1
C# credits               24      0
D credits                24      0
D# credits               24      0
E credits                24      0
F credits                24      0
F# credits               24      0
G credits                23      1
Ab credits               24      0
A credits                24      0
Bb credits               23      1
B credits                24      0
Points Vouchers          15      1

Mon, 20 Oct 2008 18:53:43 +0100
ais523 withdraws two 0 crops for ^3.
ais523 deposits 14 VP for ^91.
ais523 deposits nine 1 crops for ^135.
ais523 deposits thirteen 7 crops for ^221.
ais523 deposits five 3 crops for ^30.
ais523 deposits nine 4 crops for ^72.
ais523 deposits four X crops for ^86.
ais523 possibly deposits two X crops for ^37.
Mon, 20 Oct 2008 18:59:15 +0100:
ais523 withdraws 8 VP for ^28.
Mon, 20 Oct 2008 20:33:15 +0100:
ais523 withdraws two X crops for ^37 conditional on the deposit succeeding.
ais523 transfers all eir coins to the RBoA.

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