On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 15:43 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
> ais523 wrote:
> > I took on Registrar because nobody else seemed to want it, but I'm not
> > too attached to it really. It's not even as if I get anything for doing
> > it (as both Notary and Mad Scientist earn me the same pitch of note).
> > Apart from forum scams, of course, but I doubt there will be many more
> > of those for a while now we have rule 2213 to stop them.
> Is Registrar that hard?  It pretty much just involves tracking
> citizenship and activity (as opposed to B's Registrar, who tracks all
> player properties).  I haven't pursued it because CotC and Assessor
> are still a sizable workload (and because I've done it before).
No, it isn't. That's both why I was surprised that nobody else seemed to
want it, and why I was willing to take it on.

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