ehird wrote:

> On 11 Oct 2008, at 20:14, Taral wrote:
>> Which game is that?

H. Ambassador BobTHJ, I suggest flipping recognitions as follows:

  PerlNomic     -> Friendly
  Normish       -> Friendly

  Nomic 217     -> Neutral
  Civ3Democracy -> Neutral
  NooPolis      -> Neutral

  Dragonomic    -> Abandoned

PTomic also appears to have diverged into aPTomic, PTwomic,
The Meme Game, and One New Rule Per Post.

Proto-Proposal:  Embassies

Amend Rule 2200 (Nomic Definitions) by appending this text:

      An embassy is a partnership player whose contract designates
      itself as representing a specific foreign nomic whose rules
      explicitly allow it to so designate.

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