On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Ben Caplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 09 October 2008 05:34:37 pm Ian Kelly wrote:
>> 10. A farmer's milling queue is initially empty. A farmer (the
>> miller) may add milling jobs to the end of any farmer's milling
>> queue by announcement, with the consent of that farmer. At the
>> beginning of each week, after Digit Ranches produce crops, each
>> Mill processes and removes the first available milling job with a
>> matching Operator, if any, from its owner's milling queue.
> I don't think this works the way you want. For example, if Alice adds
> a milling job to the end of Bob's milling queue, and Bob owns no
> mills of eir own, then the job will never be processed.
> Maybe like this....
> 9. (...)
> used in the expression is destroyed from the baker's possession if
> possible, and then if two crops were so destroyed, one crop of the
> result is created in the baker's possession.
> 10. The milling queue is initially empty. A farmer (the miller) may
> add milling jobs to the end of the milling queue by announcement,
> optionally specifying a farmer (the baker); if no baker is specified,
> it defaults to the miller. At the beginning of each week, after Digit
> Ranches produce crops, each Mill processes and removes from the
> milling queue the first available milling job, if any, with a
> matching Operator and miller equal to the Mill's owner.

I don't see what difference it makes.  In your version, if the miller
has no mills, the job still never gets processed.


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