On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 22:18 -0400, Benjamin Schultz wrote:
> I just realized that root would have qualified for the patent title  
> Groovy (for winning three different ways), if we hadn't repealed it  
> prematurely.  Is it worth bringing back?
Ah, yes please. I've been going for that one for months (my
previously-secret Agoran mission is to win by every means possible at
some point or other, including both legitimate wins and wins by scam,
which gave me an ulterior motive to try to repeal Win by Clout).

Wins are a pretty important part of Agora, just because they are likely
to be interesting goals to aim for which aren't very easy to reach. The
win conditions of Agora have been developed over time and cause all
sorts of parts of the game to open up which would otherwise be

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