On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think this highlights problems with the Protectorate rules.  They
>> depend on the Protectorate nomic having things like "fora" and a way
>> to "proclaim" things to the nomic, which are properties defined by
>> the other nomic.  I could easily define "proclaim" and "fora"
>> for my machine such that "A message is proclaimed to this nomic when
>> it is is communicated to Goethe AND Goethe makes the necessary changes
>> by hand."
> I think this effectively makes the machine + you together a nomic that
> could be a protectorate, not the software of the machine itself, which
> is a nomic but not capable of becoming a protectorate.

That's angels-on-pins dancing.  Is Agora a nomic or is Agora+Players a 
nomic?  And same question for any protectorate.  For myself, I am merely a 
humble servant of my machine, except that it is currently turned off.


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