I just sent a copy of what I believe to be the Full and Short Logical
Rulesets to agora-official, as well as a message with no subject sent
by mistake (the latter because I read a man page for a different
version of 'sendmail' that accepted the -n option to not do anything).

The rulesets are identical to the versions I previously posted a link
to, except that Proposal 5669 was mistakenly recorded as effective
when in fact the text to replace was not in Rule 911, as woggle
pointed out.  This has been fixed.  If there are any other errors,
please point them out.

I'll post a proper web address as soon as the subdomain (agora.qoid.us
instead of cfj.qoid.us) starts resolving properly.

Do you think I should try to ratify the rulesets?

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