BobTHJ wrote:

> I hereby deputize for the Assessor to resolve the Agoran decisions to
> adopt proposals 5577-5584, exlcuding 5582 which was already resolved
> but is reported here for convenience.

If you're copy+pasting from my web interface, please be warned that I
intend that to be a supplement to the Assessor's records, not a
replacement.  In particular, I'm only tracking each player's current
EVLOD (not their EVLOD at the time a given voting period started),
nor am I recording conditional votes (other than endorse-player and
denounce-player) until after the end of the voting period.  I strongly
recommend that the Assessor track these elements independently.

In particular, Quazie voted ENDORSE AGORA on 5580; the other votes add
up to 6F+3A+3P, so I believe this unambiguously resolves to another FOR
vote, and have updated my database accordingly.  (5580 still fails.)

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