On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:15 PM, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Proto-Proposal:  Indirect partnership rights
>> (AI = 2, please)
>> Amend Rule 2145 (Partnerships) by appending this text:
>>      The ability of a partnership's members to exercise rights in eir
>>      own names shall, prima facie, be considered protective of those
>>      rights as applied to the partnership.
>> [Legislates the precedent of "no, partnerships do not have the right to
>> call CFJs, because their members do and that's good enough".  As usual,
>> "prima facie" allows for common-sense exceptions, e.g. R101(iv).]
> I don't like this at all.  Even partnerships should have the right of
> participation in the fora, for example: a rule that forbade
> partnerships from telling the truth would seem to be legalized by this
> amendment, which might be employed as a "cheap" (power=1) way to
> destroy partnerships.  The place of Rule 101 *is* to protect
> partnerships' rights in this case; repealing partnerships should
> require a supermajority if a Power=2 rule defines them.  In fact, I'd
> say that most R101 rights should apply to partnerships.  Can you name
> a single one besides the first part of Rule 101 (iii) that need not
> apply to them?
> But I'm not sure this would even be effective, since Rule 101 takes
> precedence over Rule 2145.  As you say, this legislates what is
> already a precedent, so at best it will do nothing until some judge
> tries to override the precedent.  At worst, if a judge rules that Rule
> 101 does give rights to partnerships, it will then take precedence
> over the clause, so the precedent might be overridden anyway.
> Really, why don't we just modify Rule 2175?  Just change "its
> initiator" to "its initiation's executor"...
What's wrong with allowing partnerships to initiate CFJs anyway?


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