On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Elliott Hird wrote:
> Proto: Limit the amount of proposals a week a user can make.

It's worth noting that such limits existed from at least prior to 2001
through 2006.  Anyone else care to comment on how far back before 2001 
they went?  Limits were based on currency, cards, then limited number of 
actions.  I (personally) didn't re-impose limits after the Great Repeals 
because Zefram was adamant that Proposing should be Free.  Looks like we 
lasted about two years without substantial abuse of the freedom.  Oh well.

Zefram, I'm wondering if the abuse modifies your general "Proposals 
should be Free" stance since you're the one that (tentatively) has to
deal with these.  (I'm in part wondering because I'm wondering whether 
to propose the limits as part of Cards).


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