I hereby vote:
> 5640  O1  1.5  Goethe      Take it to Equity!

> 5641  D1  2    Taral       Pragmatic ribbons

> 5642  D1  2    Sgeo        <none>

> 5643  O1  1    comex       a probably unsuccessful attempt at dereg...
5xAGAINST   [Sell ticket:  will retract and vote FOR for 10VP] 

> 5644  D1  2    Murphy      Prerogative implies choice
AGAINST.  adds an undesirable delay for a single prerogative.

> 5645  O1  1.7  Murphy      Plugging another loophole
5xFOR (can't believe the judge didn't throw out a random allegation
       in place of allegation of act.  That should have been overturned.)

> 5646  D0  3    ais523      Making 2125(e) actually do something
AGAINST.  Recordkeeping shouldn't be restricted to officers at this
          high levels (e.g. for general switches, general agoran decisions). 

> 5647  O0  1    ais523      Exilous Monsteredicts

> 5648  D1  1    Goethe      Repeal 2149


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