On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well sure, if you use a program to do it, then any number of
> repetitions is trivial (at least until you start getting into the
> gigabytes).  We're talking about effort for a *human* to do it.

Why should we, when the message (if repeated 1,000 times) probably
won't be written by a human?

There are three barriers to break in terms of effort:
1. the barrier of writing a script
2. the barrier of sending a message with the same action repeated
multiple times, which can be annoying to others
3. the barrier of having to send a message in multiple parts

The first is not much of a barrier, at least for a large number of
Players.  The second is poorly defined, especially when in many
circumstances (scams) it is more of a convenience than an annoyance to
abbreviate messages.  The third, in this case, is 1,203 copies of 'I
go on hold. I come off hold.\n' plus that message's headers, which
would cause the message to be over 40kb.

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