More seriously:

Quazie wrote:

> Casting a vote endorsing another voter is equivalent to conditionally
> casting a vote whose value is the same as the most common value (if
> any) among that voter's valid votes on that decision.  Casting a vote
> endorsing Agora is equivalent to conditionally casting a vote whose
> value is the same as the most common value (if any) among all votes
> that have been cast on that decision.

I think this would make it easier for a simple majority to hit AI > 1,
unless (endorse-Agora) >= (unconditional-FOR) - (unconditional-AGAINST)
in which case they would all be ineffective due to ambiguity.

I don't think the circularity precedent applies to all self-endorsing
votes, e.g. I think "FOR x 2, endorse myself x 1" would be unambiguously
equivalent to "FOR x 3".

> Casting a vote denouncing another voter is equivalent to conditionally
> casting a vote whose value is opposite to the most common value (if
> any) among that voter's valid votes on that decision.  Casting a vote
> denouncing Agora is equivalent to conditionally casting a vote whose
> value is opposite to the most common value (if any) among all votes
> that have been cast on that decision.  FOR and AGAINST are opposites;
> PRESENT is its own opposite.

Similarly, I think this would either have the same net effect as a
simple AGAINST, or be ineffective due to ambiguity.

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