Proto-Proposal: When Am I? Create a rule titled "When Am I?" with this text:
A message's Date: header is generally a reasonably accurate measure of the time of its publication. A person alleging that such a header is significantly inaccurate SHOULD clearly identify which date-stamp e believes is most accurate, and why. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Proto-Proposal: Judicial switches (AI = 2, please) comex is a co-author of this proposal. Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by replacing this text: c) Exactly one officer who tracks instances of that switch. That officer's report includes the value of each instance of that switch whose value is not its default value. with this text: c) Exactly one officer who tracks instances of that switch. That officer's report includes the value of each instance of that switch whose value is not its default value, though it need not include low-priority instances. and by replacing this text: If an instance of a switch would otherwise fail to have a possible value, it comes to have its default value. with this text: If an instance of a switch would otherwise fail to have a possible value, it comes to have its default value; however, if a switch is defined by the rules as sticky, and its current value ceases to be a possible value, then it remains at that value anyway until otherwise changed. Amend Rule 1868 (Judge Assignment Generally) by replacing this text: At any time, a judicial case either has no judge assigned to it (default) or has exactly one entity assigned to it as judge; this is a persistent status that changes only according to the rules. To recuse a judge from a case means to deassign em as judge. To assign a judge to a case implicitly recuses any existing judge. A recusal is without cause unless stated otherwise in the rules. At any time, a judicial case either does not require a judge (default) or requires a judge; this is not a persistent status, but is evaluated instantaneously. with this text: A judicial case requires a judge only while the rules say it does. Assignment is a sticky judicial case switch, tracked by the Clerk of the Courts, with values null (default) and the set of all entities qualified to be so assigned; by default, this set is the set of all active first-class players. The assignment of a closed case is low-priority. To assign a judge to a case is to flip that case's assignment to that judge. To recuse a judge from a case is to flip that case's assignment from that judge to another value (null if not otherwise specified); the recusal is with cause only if the rules say it is. and by removing this text: Except where modified by other rules, the entities qualified to be assigned as judge of a judicial case are the active first-class players. Being unqualified to be assigned as a judge does not inherently prevent an entity from continuing to be judge if already assigned. Amend Rule 2158 (Judicial Questions) by replacing this text: Within a judicial case, one or more judicial questions may arise. Each judicial question is either inapplicable (default) or applicable; this is not a persistent status but is evaluated instantaneously. Each judicial question either is open (default), suspended, or has a particular judgement; this is a persistent status that changes only according to the rules. The possible types of judgement for a judicial question vary according to the type of question. with this text: Each judicial question that arises within a judicial case is applicable only while the rules say it is. Decision is a judicial question switch, tracked by the Clerk of the Courts, with values open (default), suspended, and the set of all values defined by the rules as valid for the type of question. The decision of a judicial question within a closed case is low-priority. [No revision of "Decriminalization" at this time; the rules already specify UNAWARE as appropriate for unintentional violation.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Proto-Proposal: Fix OVERLOOKED (AI = 1.7, please) Ivan Hope and Pavitra are co-authors of this proposal. Amend Rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by replacing this text: * OVERLOOKED, appropriate if the alleged act allegedly occurred at least 200 days before the case was initiated with this text: * OVERLOOKED, appropriate if the initiating announcement alleged a rule breach at least 200 days before the case was initiated ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Proto-Proposal: The Historian Quazie is a co-author of this proposal. Create a rule titled "The Historian" with this text: The Historian is a low-priority office; its holder is responsible for summarizing significant actions. The Historian's monthly report includes such a summary. Upon the adoption of this proposal, Murphy is installed as Historian.