2008/7/6 Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Of course, a good way to fix this sort of issue would be to adopt a
> rule stating that participants agree to license their messages under,
> say, GFDL or CC-BY to cover future postings, then get licenses from as
> many current and former participants as possible for past messages to
> make a good part of the archives usable.

Suggesting a license formulation of something amounting to public domain
(i.e. do anything). It'd be a lot easier to enforce, because nothing would have
to be done.

> Not that I think putting bits of Agora under the laws of a
> jurisdiction other than Agora itself is a great idea.  We'd probably
> see some case appealed out of the equity courts and into a real world
> court before long.

We could make it so that Agoran crimes are real-world crimes somehow. :P

Like, against the company policy or something.


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