PARTNERSHIPS (must be public to be a person) Name Partners ------------------------------------------------ Association of Federated Organizations comex, Levi, Murphy, pikhq Human Point Two OscarMeyr, Quazie Left Hand Murphy, pikhq PerlNomic Partnership abliss, ais523, chuck, comex, erez, Ivan Hope, jay, norgg, Pavitra, tusho, woggle, Wooble Pineapple Partnership comex, Zefram Reformed Bank of Agora BobTHJ, Ivan Hope, Murphy, root Teh Cltohed Mna ... Ivan Hope, tusho
CONTESTS (must be public to become a contest) Name Contestmaster ----------------------------------------------------- Agoran Agricultural Association BobTHJ Agoran Proposal Awards BobTHJ Enigma ais523 Fantasy Rules Contest root The Werewolves of Agora Nomic Murphy PLEDGES (* = public) Name Parties ----------------------------------------------- Agoran Slavery BobTHJ *Note Exchange Ivan Hope, Murphy Objectionable comex, Quazie, tusho pledge #1 Ivan Hope pledge #12 tusho pledge #14 ais523 pledge #15 ais523 *pledge concerning Vigilantes Wooble *Protection Racket BobTHJ, Ivan Hope, tusho Vote Goethe Goethe OTHER (* = public) Name Purpose ----------------------------------------------- *Agoran Civil Service Union currency: ningis Ducks & Platypuses Automatic violation equation of CFJ 1927 release comex from Vote Market *Flapjack charter nomic *Points Relay Service proto-contest *Vote Market currency: Vote Points