On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I retract my previous proposal with this title.  (I forgot to update
> caste initialization to match Ivan Hope's non-linear scale.)
> Proposal:  Some players are more equal than others
> (AI = 2, II = 2, please)
> OscarMeyr and Ivan Hope are co-authors of this proposal.
> Amend Rule 2156 (Voting on Ordinary Decisions) to read:
>      Caste is a player switch, tracked by the Grand Poobah, with the
>      following values and their numeric equivalents:
>        Alpha   - 8
>        Beta    - 5
>        Gamma   - 3
>        Delta   - 2
>        Epsilon - 1 (default for first-class players and provinces)
>        Savage  - 0 (default for all other players)
>      Changes to caste are secured.
>      The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities
>      that were active players at the start of its voting period.  The
>      voting limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir
>      caste at the start of its voting period, or half that (rounded
>      up) if the voter was in the chokey at that time.
> Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player's caste is set to N/3,
> rounded toward the nearest caste value, breaking ties toward the higher
> caste, where N is eir VVLOD immediately before the adoption of this
> proposal.
> Create a rule titled "Caste Bootstrapping" with Power 2 and this text:
>      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the voting limit of an
>      eligible voter on an ordinary decision whose voting period
>      started (time T_s) before castes were defined (time T_c) is
>      based on T_c rather than T_s.  This rule repeals itself once
>      the voting periods of all such decisions have ended.
> Create a rule titled "The Grand Poobah" with Power 2 and this text:
>      The Grand Poobah is an office; its holder is responsible for
>      keeping track of castes.
>      At the beginning of each month, each Alpha's caste is flipped to
>      eir default value.  As soon as possible after the beginning of
>      each month, the Grand Poobah SHALL do the following, in order,
>      at each step choosing (if possible) a player who has not yet
>      been chosen during the current procedure:
>        1) Promotions.  At each step, the Grand Poobah SHALL choose a
>           player whose caste is as high as possible without equalling
>           or exceeding the new caste:
>           a) Flip a player's caste to Alpha
>           b) Flip a player's caste to Beta
>           c) Flip a player's caste to Gamma
>           d) Flip a player's caste to Delta
>        2) Demotions.  Each step is repeated as many times as needed.
>           b->c) While there are more than two Betas,
>                   flip a Beta's caste to Gamma
>           c->d) While there are more than three Gammas,
>                   flip a Gamma's caste to Delta
>           d->e) While there are more than four Deltas,
>                   flip a Delta's caste to Epsilon
> Amend Rule 2126 (Notes) by replacing this text:
>      (1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to
>          increase another player's VVLOD by 1.
>      (2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major
>          scale to increase eir own VVLOD by 1.
>      (3) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a minor chord to
>          decrease another player's VVLOD by 1.
> with this text:
>      (1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to
>          increase another non-Alpha player's caste by 1 level.
>      (2) A non-Alpha player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of
>          a major scale to increase eir own caste by 1 level.
>      (3) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a minor chord to
>          decrease another non-Savage player's caste by 1 level.
>      (4) A non-Savage player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of
>          a minor scale to decrease eir own caste by 1 level.
> and by renumbering the rest of the list of ways to spend Notes by
> increasing each number by 1.
> Amend Rule 2134 (Win by Clout) by replacing this text:
>      Cleanup procedure:  Each player's VVLOD is set to eir BVLOD, and
>      no player satisfies this Winning Condition again (the remainder
>      of this rule notwithstanding) until after the next time that
>      each player's EVLOD is set based on eir VVLOD.
> with this text:
>      Cleanup procedure:  Each player's caste is set to its default
>      value, and no player satisfies this Winning Condition again (the
>      remainder of this rule notwithstanding) during the same month.

I do like this idea, though I still don't see why someone who is an
Alpha gets set to their default caste. . . It seems like they should
just be demoted to a Beta rather than demoted to an Epsilon or Savage.

Other than that, I rather like this proposal.


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