On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Proposal:  Decriminalization
> (AI = 2, please)
> Create a rule titled "Decriminalization" with Power 2 and this text:
>      If a rule defines a method of breaching it as decriminalized, then
>      no person SHALL initiate a criminal case alleging that that rule
>      has been breached by that method, unless the defendant intended to
>      breach it by that method by performing the alleged action.

I don't like this, because then it's the initiator's opinion whether
the defendant intended to breach the rule.  How about, instead, such a
criminal case can be initiated, but the only valid sentence is
DISCHARGE if (in the judge's opinion) e did not intend to breach it?

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