On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm working on a proto that brings back the three-tiered Ordinary->
>> Democratic -> Sane.  Along with cards.  Stay tuned.  But yes, I fully
>> agree that there should *always* be a high-powered "safe mode" that is a
>> straight-up single-vote poll of biological persons in the game.  -Goethe
> As I understand it, the original rationale behind that system was that
> Ordinary proposals were for ordinary dreck that most voters didn't
> want to deal with, back in a time when there were 20+ proposals per
> week.  Is that something we still want / need?

I vastly, vastly enjoyed the Oligarchic time period, because you could
form a workable coalition (not scam, I mean long-term coalition).  And
also, votes were worth more for deal-making.  "Ordinary" dreck may be the 
source of the name but there were many interesting proposals there, too.
For those who are new, the system was three-tiered:

- Only ~6 players (the Oligarchs) could vote on Ordinary proposals.
  Methods of appointing Oligarchs ranged over time from winning an 
  auction for the position (with rotation out) to holding a (tradable) 
  Oligarch card to it being a Win perk.  There were ranks withing the 
  oligarchs (low, middle, high getting 1,2,3 votes).  Quorum was 3.
  Tactics of voting with a small group were meaningful and at times 

- Democratic proposals were like today's ordinary: you could build up 
  "VPDP", though for safety (democratic could be high-powered proposals) 
  it maxed at max=5*min or so.

- Sane was 1 person/1 vote.  For safety, a Democratic proposal could
  always be sanitized (oh hey, a pun!) although at a cost.

  (There were bells and whistles: insane proposals, Senate, etc, but
  these were the main three).


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