Proposal, rule, power 1, indices, etc.:

{The following are the only ways a public message can be sent:

(a) A first-class person can send a message directly to a public
forum, using whatever protocol that forum uses to accept messages.
(b) If a contract states that a person can send public messages on its
behalf, the person CAN do so by announcement, subject to any
limitations the contract specifies. A person stating that a contract
takes an action is equivalent to stating that the contract sends a
public message stating that it takes the action.
(c) If a rule provides a mechanism by which an entity can send
messages, it can do so via that mechanism.}

This would overturn the precedent that it's possible to act on behalf
of a first-class party to a contract if the contract says so (as far
as I can tell, the only basis this precedent has in the rules is the
fact that contracts can send messages, but no mechanism is given by
which they can do so; also, in my opinion, this precedent is pretty
dangerous), as well as making the mechanism for sending messages on
contracts' behalf explicit. Also, clause (c) makes this rule step out
of the way of things like judicial panels, not that it would otherwise
take precedence over the rule that allows judicial panels to act.

--Ivan Hope CXXVII

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