cdm014 wrote:

> I submit the following proposal as player cdm014.
> Co-Authors are:
> Zefram
> avpx
> ihope
> -root
> the player who sends e-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Title: Agoran Welcoming Committee

Agora does not use the convention of "proposals implicitly create a
rule with title and text matching theirs, unless otherwise specified"
that I've seen in some other nomics.  A suggested revision follows.

> 1. This creates an office called Agoran Greeter.
> 2. This office is an imposed office.
> 3. This office shall remain vacant until imposed upon a partnership
> entitled Agoran Welcoming Committee. Should a partnership be so named,
> and meet the other requirements for eligibility, this office shall be
> imposed upon that partnership.
> 4. To be eligible for this office the partnership's obligations must
> include all of the following:
>     A. Greet all new players.
>     B. Engage in contact with new players to assist them.
>     C. Engage in contact with new players to ensure a positive experience.

Create a rule titled "Agoran Welcoming Committee" with this text:

      The Greeter is an imposed office.

      While a partnership named "Welcoming Committee" exists, and its
      obligations include all of the following:

        a) Greet all new players.
        b) Engage in contact with new players to assist them.
        c) Engage in contact with new players to ensure a positive

      then this office is imposed upon that partnership.  Otherwise,
      this office is vacant.

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