root wrote:

> I spend 3 Db + 3 E to gain 3 G.
> I spend 2 D + 2 Gb to gain 2 Bb.
> I spend E + Db to gain Bb.

These fail; the method you attempted does not yet exist.  Proposal
to add that method coming up (I did the write-up a while back, just
didn't want to spam the list with too many proposals per week).

> I spend C + E + G to increase BobTHJ's VVLOD by 1.
> I spend C + E + G to increase woggle's VVLOD by 1.
> I spend C + E + G to increase Pavitra's VVLOD by 1.
> I spend Gb + Bb + Db to increase Wooble's VVLOD by 1.
> I spend Gb + Bb + Db to increase Murphy's VVLOD by 1.
> I spend Gb + Bb + Db to increase Zefram's VVLOD by 1.

These fail due to lack of G and Bb notes.

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