On 5/29/08, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand the events of CFJs 1942 & 1943, ehird is still trying to
> extend duality to comex (in CFJ 1942, at least).  The Ducks & Platypuses
> agreement appears to me to be self-contradictory, but that's its own
> business.  I'm inclined to rule innocent in 1942, letting comex off the
> hook, and guilty in 1943, with some appropriate fish-slapping for ehird.

I'm afraid there are no hidden motives to Ducks & Platypuses.  ehird
proposed (in #ircnomic) creating an agreement which would put em into
an inescapable violation of the Rules.  I suggested that, while e
might leave the contract without objection if it were a pledge (e
might reasonably be expected to get no objections), if I were a party
who would infringe upon the contract by leaving it, e could not
reasonably expect me to agree to dissolving the contract and e really
would have no mechanism of leaving the contract.

At this point I was under the impression that I would not be violating
the proposed contract by remaining in it.  When I realized that that
would not be the case:

[08:26:59] ehird: about to send to agora-business with subject 'Ducks
& platypuses' unless any objections in 10
[08:27:00] comex: wait
[08:27:01] ehird: 9
[08:27:03] ehird: 8
[08:27:04] comex: I just realized
[08:27:05] ehird: 7
[08:27:07] ehird: comex: what
[08:27:07] comex: that would make me in violation too :(
[08:27:13] ehird: comex: yeah well
[08:27:15] ehird: gotta roll with it
[08:27:20] comex: oh, fine
[08:27:21] ehird: you said you'd join
[08:27:23] ehird: gonna back out?
[08:27:25] comex: I blame you if I get exiled
[08:27:27] ehird: sure

This has nothing to do with Duality.  Considering that ehird was a new
player and I am not, it should be preferrable to punish me rather than
ehird.  (Although I will indeed blame him if I am exiled or
fishslapped.)  Of note, there is still no good way for us to destroy
the contract.

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