On Wednesday 21 May 2008 10:31:28 Ed Murphy wrote:
> Pavitra wrote:
> > Simply put: persons make binding agreements; Agora makes those
> > agreements into contracts, and eventually perhaps contests. The
> > judgement for a question on equation is not even a contract.
> Counterargument:  R1742 says "Contracts are binding agreements
> governed by the rules".  While the judgement for a question on
> equation is in effect, it is a binding agreement governed by the
> rules, thus it is a contract.

Ah, I missed CFJ 1901.

Nevertheless: persons make binding agreements, which Agora then defines
to be contracts. At best, a party CAN make a contract a contest as a
dependent action. There is a fundamental difference between actions
that Agora *recognizes* as possible, such as making a binding
agreement, and actions that Agora *defines* as POSSIBLE, such as making
a contract into a contest.


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