Proto-Proposal:  Some players are more equal than others
(AI = 2, II = 2, please)

OscarMeyr is a co-author of this proposal.  [Sort of.  The text was
worked out after discussion with em, but before seeing eir draft,
due to flaky hotel wifi.]

Amend Rule 2156 (Voting on Ordinary Decisions) to read:

      Caste is a player switch, tracked by the Grand Poobah, with the
      following values and their numeric equivalents:

        Alpha   - 5
        Beta    - 4
        Gamma   - 3
        Delta   - 2
        Epsilon - 1 (default for first-class players and provinces)
        Savage  - 0 (default for all other players)

      Changes to caste are secured.

      The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities
      that were active players at the start of its voting period.  The
      voting limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir
      caste at the start of its voting period, or half that (rounded
      up) if the voter was in the chokey at that time.

Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player's caste is set to
floor(N/3) (maximum 5, minimum 0), where N is eir VVLOD immediately
before the adoption of this proposal.

Create a rule titled "Caste Bootstrapping" with Power 2 and this text:

      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the voting limit of an
      eligible voter on an ordinary decision whose voting period
      started (time T_s) before castes were defined (time T_c) is
      based on T_c rather than T_s.  This rule repeals itself once
      the voting periods of all such decisions have ended.

Create a rule titled "The Grand Poobah" with Power 2 and this text:

      The Grand Poobah is an office; its holder is responsible for
      keeping track of castes.

      At the beginning of each month, each Alpha's caste is flipped to
      eir default value.  As soon as possible after the beginning of
      each month, the Grand Poobah SHALL do the following, in order,
      at each step choosing (if possible) a player who has not yet
      been chosen during the current procedure:

        1) Promotions.  At each step, the Grand Poobah SHALL choose a
           player whose caste is as high as possible without equalling
           or exceeding the new caste:

           a) Flip a player's caste to Alpha
           b) Flip a player's caste to Beta
           c) Flip a player's caste to Gamma
           d) Flip a player's caste to Delta

        2) Demotions.  Each step is repeated as many times as needed.

           b->c) While there are more than two Betas,
                   flip a Beta's caste to Gamma
           c->d) While there are more than three Gammas,
                   flip a Gamma's caste to Delta
           d->e) While there are more than four Deltas,
                   flip a Delta's caste to Epsilon

Upon the adoption of this proposal, Murphy is installed as Grand Poobah.

Amend Rule 2126 (Notes) by replacing this text:

      (1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to
          increase another player's VVLOP by 1.

      (2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major
          scale to increase eir own VVLOP by 1.

      (3) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a minor chord to
          decrease another player's VVLOP by 1.

with this text:

      (1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to
          increase another player's caste by 1.

      (2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major
          scale to increase eir own caste by 1.

      (3) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a minor chord to
          decrease another player's caste by 1.

      (4) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a minor
          scale to decrease eir own caste by 1.

and by renumbering the rest of the list of ways to spend Notes by
increasing each number by 1.

Amend Rule 2134 (Win by Clout) by replacing this text:

      Cleanup procedure:  Each player's VVLOD is set to eir BVLOD, and
      no player satisfies this Winning Condition again (the remainder
      of this rule notwithstanding) until after the next time that
      each player's EVLOD is set based on eir VVLOD.

with this text:

      Cleanup procedure:  Each player's caste is set to its default
      value, and no player satisfies this Winning Condition again (the
      remainder of this rule notwithstanding) during the same month.

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