On Wednesday 30 April 2008 12:07:55 Roger Hicks wrote:
> Tomorrow starts a new month, don't forget to water your digit ranches!
> I know the AFO will experience some land destruction unless it's
> fields are shown some TLC today.
> Also, I have two #4 digit ranches (one of which is about to be
> destroyed) which are both for sale via Vote Market Sell tickets at 1VP
> each.
> BobTHJ

It would probably be helpful if the SoA's report listed the number of
WRV in the paragraph listing the farmer's lands, like so:

> BobTHJ: 2 lands, 1 WRV
>  land #1               Digit Ranch (4)
>  land #15              Digit Ranch (4)

This would make it more obvious at a glance who needs water, and how
much, at a glance.

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