On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I don't see why not. Just because the rules don't usually attach > > significance to events on the discussion fora doesn't mean they can't. > > For example, informing the Notary of the text and parties of a > > private contract would be considered a game action. That would > > normally be done by private message, but there's no reason to doubt > > that it would be just as effective if sent to the discussion forum > > instead. > > Not to distract from your overall point, but picking a nit: didn't we > have a precedent that every player was notified if something was sent to the > PF, a person was notified if something was sent to their registered e-mail > address, but there was *no guarantee* that someone was notified by a > message sent to discussion?
Er, yes. What I wrote above should be read under the assumption that the Notary is willing to be notified in that manner. -root