On 01/04/2008, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 9:36 PM, ihope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I agree to the following, to become a contract as soon as one other
>  >  person agrees to it:
>  I was thinking of something similar, but on a more grandiose scale--
>  for proposals.  But I'll join the C party-- once you dispatch with
>  this SHALL tomfoolery.  I recommend authorizing any C'an to act on
>  behalf of any other C'an for the purpose of fulfuling eir
>  obligations... seriously.

You mean replacing with "every C'an SHALL do X" with "every C'an is
obligated to do X and any C'an can act on behalf of any other C'an for
the purpose of fulfulling eir obligations"? Or maybe we could replace
obligations with kicking people out.

On 02/04/2008, Taral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/1/08, ihope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  A C'an may make a Contract Change to this contract with the consent of
>  >  a majority of C'ans. A person CANNOT become a party to this contract
>  >  if e has been a party in the preceding 14 days.}
>  Nice idea, not joining with this clause in.

"A C'an may make a Contract Change to this contract with a majority of
C'ans; however, after this is done, any C'an has the option to cease
to become a party in a timely fashion rather than continuing to follow
it"? Maybe we can make it impossible to make the contract impose
obligations, even.

--Ivan Hope CXXVII

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