On 20:23 Mon 03 Mar     , Ed Murphy wrote:
> The Left Hand and I agree to the following, which thereby becomes a
> public contract.  I intend, without 3 objections, to make it a contest.
> 1) The name of this public contract is Enigma.
> 2) The purpose of this contract is to be a contest that encourages
>    asking and answering puzzles of moderate difficulty.
> 3) Any player CAN become a member of this contract by announcement.
> 4) The contestmaster of this contract CAN change as permitted by the
>     rules.
> 5) The contestmaster CAN amend this contract without member objection.
> 6) For the purpose of this contest, a puzzle is a body of text clearly
>    identified as such, accompanied by its correct answer, and sent
>    privately to the contestmaster by a contestant (hereafter its author)
>    who has not previously submitted a puzzle during the same week.  The
>    author of a puzzle SHALL NOT disclose its answer to any other
>    contestant.
> 7) For the purpose of this contest, an eligible answer is a correct
>    answer to a puzzle sent privately to the contestmaster by a
>    contestant other than its author, during the same week in which the
>    contestmaster published that puzzle.
> 8) The correctness of a given answer is left to the contestmaster's
>    discretion.  In particular, if the contestmaster believes that a
>    puzzle cannot reasonably be answered correctly without having its
>    correct answer disclosed by the author, then e may treat all
>    non-author answers as incorrect.
> 9) As soon as possible after the end of each week, the contestmaster
>    SHALL publish a list of all puzzles submitted during that week.
> 10) As soon as possible after the end of each week, for each puzzle
>     published by the contestmaster and having at least one eligible
>     answer during that week, the contestmaster SHALL award points in
>     this order, up to a maximum of P points per puzzle (where P is
>     the maximum number of points that a contest CAN award per week
>     per contestant).  For the purpose of this clause, contestanthood
>     is measured at the end of the week.
>     a) 1 point to its author.
>     b) 2 points to the submitter of that puzzle's first eligible
>        answer.
>     c) 1 point each to the submitters of all other eligible answers
>        for that puzzle, in order of submission.
>     d) As many points as possible to its author.

The Right Hand commends you for this.

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