Proto: The new takeover, AI-2 please. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Partisanship 0.1
Amend Rule 2156 by replacing the following text: At the end of each week, each player's EVLOP is set to eir VVLOP with At the end of each week, each player's EVLOP is set to eir VVLOP times eir Partisanship Create the following Rule, Partisans, Power-2: Each Player has a number, tracked by the Assessor, called eir Partisanship. Partisanship is a multiple of 0.1 between 0.5 and 2.0 and defaults to 1.0. A Takeover Proposal is any proposal clearly labeled as such. A Takeover Proposal may have any AI, but the voting limit of any player on a Takeover Proposal has a maximum of 1, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If a Takeover Proposal is adopted, and all of the following are true at the end of its voting period: (a) It specifies an identifiable set of players, along a new value for each of their Partisanship levels; (b) The number of Players in this set is at least one third, and no greater than two thirds, the number of active players; and (c) The sum of all legally specified Partisanship values for all specified players is equal to 1.0. then Partisanship values are changed as specified when the Proposal takes effect. Partisanship is otherwise secured. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -Goethe