BobTHJ wrote:
On Feb 5, 2008 6:14 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
5440 AGAINST (you forgot to give the rule Power 2, so its attempt to
alter voting limits would be ineffective)
Drat. For some reason I had it in my head that new rules are created
with the same power as the proposal that spawned them.
A number of Paranomic proposals have fizzled on similar grounds (it
uses security clearance sorta like Agora uses power).
Hmm, someone might be able to get an A.N. degree out of a survey of
rule tiers. Here's an outline to start:
* Suber - 2 tiers, higher must be demoted to lower before it can
be otherwise changed
* FRC - 2, higher requires 2/3 support and is near-immutable in
practice, lower is emptied whenever people give up adding to it
* Agora - 5 in practice (not counting fountain), roughly 1/1 3/2 7/4
2/1 3/1
* Paranomic - 3 in practice, lower 1/1, higher 2/1, highest also 2/1
but expected to be near-immutable in practice
* B - 1 (not counting emergency), important rules claim precedence,
conflicting claims patched as encountered