On Feb 2, 2008 11:40 PM, Ben Caplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sunday 03 February 2008 12:00 Roger Hicks wrote:
> > Ostracism
> > {
> > Create a new rule titled "Ostracism" with the text:
> > {{
> > As soon as possible after the beginning of each month the IADoP SHALL
> > initiate an Agoran Decision to ostracize. In this decision the valid
> > options are the players, quorum is 3/4 the number of active players
> > (rounded down), the eligible voters are the active players, and the
> > vote collector is the IADoP. In the notice to resolve the decision,
> > the IADoP SHALL select the one player who received the greatest number
> > of votes (if any). Until the end of the month that player CAN NOT vote
> > on proposals.
> > }}
> > }
> This provides no way to ostracize more, or fewer, players per month than one.
> Is that really what you wanted?
> Also, we can already exile a player with any instrument of power 1 or greater,
> such as an ordinary proposal.
This is in imitation of the Athenian ostracism as described in the
link Zefram posted. One vote per month for one penalty with a high
quorum. Also, the penalty is less than full exile intentionally.


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