Dear Canadian Embassy,
Not sure how they're usually addressed. "To whom it may concern"? *googles*,,30000-1258378,00.html "The Office of Ambassador of Agora Nomic presents its compliments to the Canadian Embassy in <city> and directs the attention of the latter to the following:"
This message is being sent to you in order to inform you of occurances in a game of Nomic (, called Agora ( By Agora's ruleset, I am obligated to inform you that Agora has recognized Canada as a fellow Nomic with Neutral recognition status.
"This message is being sent to you in order to inform you of an occurrence in a game of Nomic <url> called Agora <url>. As required by the Rules of Agora, I hereby inform you that Agora has recognised Canada as a fellow Nomic with Neutral recognition status."