pikhq wrote:

On Thursday 20 December 2007 22:37:29 Ian Kelly wrote:
On Dec 20, 2007 9:53 PM, Josiah Worcester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I create 100 points in my posession, as allowed by rule 2166/1.
I win the game.
Marks also have this loophole.  Possibly VCs as well; changes to VCs
are secured by R2126, but R2166 has the same power.


So I noted to Murphy; I was hoping that he'd use that in his favor and mine.

Oh, you'll get your wish soon enough.  Or at least part of it.

Then, I realised that points have the same loophole, so I used that, since I actually *can*.

I realized that a few minutes after I got your message, but by then
you'd already noticed it on your own.

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