Red is okay, but green and blue marks need drastic increases in payout, and
we need more colors. Two usable colors of marks is boring. There should
be more interesting and esoteric ways to earn Marks than VCs, not the
other way around.
And more ways to spend them. Even 140 Marks per month is equivalent to 1.4
VCs; we could increase that, but I don't think that Marks should be useful
just for converting to VCs. Rather, I'd like to see actions that debit
Marks directly (which maybe cannot trigger a VC-to-Mark conversion, or
require types of Marks that do not have VC equivalents, so VCs aren't the
principal source of marks for spending).
There is no proposal in this message, because I am suggesting a lot of rule
text that does not currently exist, but I might come up with a proto when
I can. Of course the other option is to repeal Marks. Thoughts?
I tend to agree with the point that there is nothing to gain through
gaining marks at this point in time. The wagering proposal was an
attempt to have something more interesting happening with Marks and more
Marks changing hands, but with no advantages to gaining Marks, it won't
Here are some suggestions for spending possiblilities:
* Spend marks to gain a VLOP/VLDP increase for one proposal (or all
proposals that week)
* As above but decrease someones VLOP/VLDP.
* Spend marks to rubberstamp or veto a proposal.
* Spend marks for 'express' processing of a CFJ.
As far as earning marks the reward amounts could probably be modified
now that we have a better idea of how many will be in play. A more
interesting idea might be to have 'levels' of mark earnings, so if you
are at Level 2 you earn twice the rewards of someone else. Upgrading
levels would probably require earning some marks.