Would anyone be interested in starting a new game using the rules below? Are there any problems that would kill it before it started?
Rule 101/0 A citizen shall not commit treason (disobey the rules). Rule 102/0 (Blue) At the moment the game starts, the rules consist of Rules 101-117 (Blue clearance) and 201-213 (Red clearance). All references to the rules pertain to the rules in their current form, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Rule 103/0 (Blue) A rule change is any of the following: (a) The creation of a rule. (b) The repeal of a rule. (c) The alteration of a rule's text. (d) The alteration of a rule's clearance. A rule can only be changed by a proposal of higher or equal clearance. Rule 104/0 (Blue) Each proposal shall be voted on, and is adopted if and only if the votes on it satisfy the requirements imposed by other rules. Rule 105/0 (Blue) The eligible voters on a proposal are the citizens with clearance higher than or equal to its clearance. Rule 106/0 (Blue) All proposals shall be recorded in written form before they are voted on. Adopted proposals shall guide play in the form in which they were voted on. Rule 107/0 (Blue) No proposal can take effect earlier than the time of its adoption, even if its text explicitly states otherwise. Rule 108/0 (Blue) Each proposal shall be given a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each proposal shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not it is adopted. Each rule shall be given a rule number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301 (not counting the initial rules), and each rule created shall receive the next successive integer. A rule cannot be given the same rule number as another rule. A rule's rule number cannot be changed once assigned. Each rule shall be given an amendment number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 0, and each alteration to the rule shall cause it to receive the next successive integer. Rule 109/0 (Blue) If a proposal would otherwise have no eligible voters, then each leading citizen is breveted to the proposal's clearance for the purpose of voting on it, and the proposal is adopted if and only all votes cast on it are in favor. Rule 110/0 (Blue) In a conflict between two rules of different clearances, the higher-clearance rule takes precedence. Rule 111/0 (Blue) The author of a proposal can choose the time to begin voting on it, and (prior to this time) may revise its text and/or clearance (default Red). Rule 112/0 (Blue) When a citizen becomes a High Programmer, he wins the game. Rule 113/0 (Blue) A citizen can always report for termination (leave the game) rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No game penalty worse than this, in the opinion of the citizen, may be imposed. Rule 114/0 (Blue) Any change that would make it impossible to make arbitrary changes to the rules within a four-week period is impossible. Rule 115/0 (Blue) All rules, including the rules pertaining to rule changes, can apply to themselves. Rule 116/0 (Blue) Any action not declared impossible by the rules is possible. Any action declared possible in limited circumstances is impossible outside those circumstances. Any action not declared treasonous by the rules is legal. Any action declared legal in limited circumstances is treasonous outside those circumstances. Rule changes are impossible except as explicitly stated by the rules. Rule 117/0 (Blue) Clearances are as follows, from lowest to highest: * Infrared * Red * Orange * Yellow * Green * Blue * Indigo * Violet * Ultraviolet A leading citizen is a citizen whose clearance is higher than or equal to that of any other citizen. A High Programmer is a citizen whose clearance is Ultraviolet. Rumors of Gamma clearance are treason. Report all rumors. Rule 201/0 (Red) When a citizen reports for duty (joins the game), he begins with Red clearance, 6 clones, and 0 plasticreds. Rule 202/0 (Red) Upon the moment of the completion of voting on a proposal, its author receives a number of plasticreds equal to (N-291) * (F/A) (where N is the proposal's number, F is the number of votes for it, and A is the number of votes against it), rounded to the nearest integer, breaking ties toward even integers. Rule 203/0 (Red) A proposal is adopted if and only if more than half of the votes cast on it are in favor. Rule 204/0 (Red) Upon the adoption of a proposal, each citizen who voted against it receives 10 plasticreds. Rule 205/0 (Red) An adopted proposal takes full effect when adopted. Rule 206/0 (Red) Upon the rejection of a proposal, the author loses 10 plasticreds. Rule 207/0 (Red) Each eligible voter on a proposal can cast exactly one vote on that proposal. Rule 208/0 (Red) A citizen can buy 1 clone by spending 1000 of their plasticreds for that sole purpose. Rule 209/0 (Red) Any natural person can report for duty (become a citizen). Rule 210/0 (Red) Voting on a proposal concludes one week after it begins. Rule 211/0 (Red) In a conflict between two rules of the same clearance, the lower-numbered rule takes precedence. Rule 212/0 (Red) A citizen (hereafter the caller) can call for judgement of a true/false statement. The judgement shall be made by a leading citizen; if there is more than one, then the caller shall randomly select which one shall judge. The judgement shall be made based on the rules; if they are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement, then the judgement shall be made based on game custom and the spirit of the game before applying other standards. Rule 213/0 (Red) When a statement alleging that a portion of the gamestate is impossible to determine is judged true, the caller wins the game, and shall make a reasonable attempt to resolve the paradox.