I'm liking Levi's permission-as-a-state idea, although I don't think
that there's any reason that permissions should be assets...unless we
go way overboard with it. :-)

Liquid assets, no doubt.

I had chosen Assets because permissions would share the concept of 'being owned' I guess. Each permission would belong to a person and specify an action. Permissions being liquid and allowing me to transfer them actually seems like it might useful to me rather than overkill. I see other places it could be used (e.g., The vote collector is granted a permission to resolve an agoran decision), where transferring of this permission (e.g., assessor on vaction) would help. But, I do like simple first.

I see the complex part of permissions as ensuring that each permission only allows one action to be performed and only performed once. I'm not sure whether any action should be able to be part of a permission, or only those which specify they require permissions.


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