Zefram wrote:
> Goethe wrote:
>> In balance, it better serves the game to require rigid specifications
>> of individuals,
> I think it would take a rule amendment to do this.

I'll quibble and I'll say I disagree here: the rules say in many places
that things must be specified, but it is game custom and precedent
that determines how clear and explicit a message has to be to constitute
specification (and there may be different customs for different types of
specification), so a precedent can affect this without a rule amendment.  

That being said, your post reminded me that a precedent
does exist that supports your position:  "Promotor" specified Zefram
in the same narrow context that "Beverly" specified root in CFJ 1361.  
Therefore I intend to judge in line with your argument (and in reverse
of my proto).  


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