Josiah Worcester wrote:
>Name to me one method of performing game actions in the rules 
>*outside* of public announcement.

To take a recent example, rule 2173/0:

#      The parties to a public contract SHALL keep the Notary informed
#      of its text and set of parties.

Keeping the notary informed of a public contract's text is a game action
in the rules.  (I'm presuming that anything that the rules require or
prohibit qualifies as a "game action in the rules".)  The notary can, de
facto, be kept informed by means of direct email messages, and potentially
by other means of communication down to smoke signals.  The rules do
not specifically invalidate any such means of keeping the notary informed.

Going to your CFJ text:

|                 Other than dependent actions (in rule 2124), which
|seem to need to *also* be done via public announcement, there is no
|other method of performing actions.

The rules don't need to define a method of performing actions in order for
them to be possible.  If the rules make the wearing of hats significant
to the game, then the game action of me donning or doffing a hat is
accomplished by my direct manipulation of physical objects, and email
messages have no bearing on it.  The rules are not the sole definers of
an otherwise-empty universe: they refer to the material universe that
we all inhabit, and generally do not override its laws of physics.


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