Zefram wrote:
Ed Murphy wrote:
comex became supine on August 20. Either I missed the message in
which e sat up, or eir assignment to CFJ 1763 (and hence eir
purported judgement of same) was invalid.
I believe you are correct. It appears that e was sitting at the time
that e attempted to lie down, and I failed to record eir lying down
although I did note eir self-recusal from CFJ 1721 which occurred in
the same message. These purported judge assignments were INVALID:
2007-08-27 1711a BobTHJ, comex, root
2007-09-05 1737 comex
2007-09-20 1745a comex, Goddess Eris, root
2007-09-24 1749 comex
2007-09-24 1711a comex, root, Wooble
2007-10-03 1711a comex, pikhq, root
2007-10-04 1763 comex
2007-10-04 1748a comex, Goddess Eris, pikhq
I've updated the database accordingly. The table of required actions
is missing some entries, but that issue will go away as the requirements
in question are satisfied (or waived due to recusal).
CFJ 1737: comex was never assigned, so was not recused (on 2007-09-13),
so did not lose a VC for recusal. Case was eventually judged by root,
as we thought.
E did not lose a VC anyway, as e had none at the time.
CFJ 1749: comex was never assigned, so was not recused (on 2007-10-03),
so did not lose a VC for recusal. Case was eventually judged by Zefram,
as we thought.
The purported VC loss was omitted from the report anyway. I had
added an errata to the draft version, but have re-corrected it.