Proto: Overturned sentencing fix Amend Rule 2126 (Voting Credits) by replacing the text reading:
(-B) A player who is recused from a judicial case with cause loses one Blue VC. A player who is the prior judge in an appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM is assigned to the question on disposition loses one Blue VC. with: (-B) A player who is recused from a judicial case with cause loses one Blue VC. (-B) When a judgement other than AFFIRM is assigned to the question on disposition in an appeal case, and the prior question is not on sentencing, the prior judge loses one Blue VC. When this proposal is adopted, the Goddess Eris gains one Blue VC. [Judges don't gain VCs for sentencing, so they shouldn't lose them for overturned sentences either. Compensate Eris for the VC e lost in CFJ 1740a.] -root