root wrote:
5218 D1 3 Zefram distributor as an office
AGAINST. IMO, R2154's encouragement of frequent officer turnover is
incompatible with the responsibilities of the Distributor.
R2154 encourages frequent suggestions of officer turnover; the turnover
itself won't happen unless the players want it to. That said,
Proto-Proposal: Re-enact perpetuity
(AI = 2, II = 1, please)
Amend Rule 2154 (Replacing Officers) by replacing the paragraph
containing "If no attempt to achieve Agoran Consent" with this text:
Stability is an office switch, tracked by the IADoP, with
values Temporal (default) and Perpetual. Any player CAN flip
an office's stability with support. A Perpetual office becomes
Temporal when its holder leaves office.
If no attempt to achieve Agoran Consent for changing the holder
of a Temporal office is announced in a given quarter, then the
IADoP shall make at least one such attempt to change the
officeholder in the following quarter, and make the change if
consent is achieved. This requirement is waived if another
player changes the officeholder in this way during the following