On 8/29/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> comex wrote:
> >[To be proposed if CFJ 1738 is judged TRUE.
> Were you aware of the rights issue when making P5147?  If you didn't
> expect KNAVE status to conflict with R101, what about FOOL status which
> leaves less wiggle room?
Nope, I didn't realize that rights might be an issue.  I think it's
possible that the rule conflicts with 478 but not 101, because
although the FOOL is prohibited from participating in the fora (per
MMI) it is still possible for em to do it if e's willing to get
prosecuted.  This is ignoring the disclaimer which I commented on in
another message.

> I am opposed to any proposal that would obstruct the use of the public
> forum for conducting game business.

Well, I knew you'd be opposed to it. :P

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